Lower Taxes
We should keep more of what we make
Since 2018 alone, our state budget has ballooned from $56 Billion to $82 billion per year. They have increased taxes, fees and other charges. It’s too much.
Less Government
We value that our way of life is different.
Government has grown too big and is not ‘one size fits all.’ We need more local control and recognize the needs of Detroit and Marquette are not the same.
More Freedom
We can have a better tomorrow
Government shouldn’t try and control every single thing. We need to let good people pursue their goals without the government telling them they can’t.
Well, first things first.
Why? Because Karl is one of us. For over 30 years, he was in our living room giving us the details of what tomorrow was going to look like. He was there with us through the storms. He was there to warn us when things were going to get rough. And, he was there to tell us when there was nothing but clear skies ahead.
He’s still doing the same thing. Just in a different way. And, he’ll fight for us, warn us and protect us as your next State Representative in Lansing.
But there’s a lot more to Karl than just television and meteorology. He’s an author and historian. And he cares deeply for all of us.
At his core, Karl wants to keep the U.P the beautiful, caring, small town place we’ve all grown to love and know.
Learn more about Karl and the issues that affect us all.

Campaign News
Karl Bohnak hosts Terri Lynn Land and Pete Hoekstra for Meet and Greet
The Karl Bohnak for State Representative campaign hosted former [...]
Bohnak Opens Campaign Headquarters in Marquette
The Karl Bohnak for State Representative campaign announces it [...]